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https://meet.google.com/bpu-fezp-osw <https://meet.google.com/bpu-fezp-osw>

Here is the info from the announcement for those who may be interested:

I’m going to keep going with the lab theme for a while longer, as I want to rebuild my set up and this will help. I’ll probably have three lab environments, the main home lab (fully virtual), one based on physical NUC-like systems, and a portable one for live demos in a room (I do expect that there will be in-person events again).

We used a version of that at Dymon where everyone had their own vagrant/virtual box images to play with. That was all running on a quad core i3 with 32GB RAM, so you don’t need much for a lab. I will have to provide a better external HDD setup and WiFi than we had before, but

Having said the lab thing, I will provide a brief respite this month and show a game of sorts for those interested in getting used to some CLI utilities. I saw a posting about it and thought there are people here who may benefit. Who knows, you may even learn something new.

I also did a short course on creative engineering last month (30 days). It was fun and annoying at times, but it did get me out of my reluctance to build things again. I’ll talk about that as well. I do not expect anyone to go and try it out. This was simply because I wanted something to get me out of my comfort zone and get me to try some new things. It worked.

What else?

Whatever you want to talk about.

I have a few ideas for other nights to break up my home lab obsession:
- I think we should do an OBS night at some point.
- Arduino?
- Raspberry Pi?
- Retro computing?
- Effective backups?
- Ansible
- Vagrant
- Kubernetes/Rancher/Openshift
- Running ReactOS as a windows substitute for those who need windows software to run? (In a VM)
- So many other items…

- How to make a video? I’m pretty new to this, so don’t expect high quality production values :)

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